

Who the Nationals serve

Written by: Duncan B. on 13 February 2025


Vanguard has previously said that the National Party serves the interests of fossil fuel companies, miners and big graziers. 

The latest records of disclosure return forms published by the Australian Electoral Commission covering 2023-24, show that British American Tobacco, Phillip Morris, Adani, Fortescue Metals and the Minerals Council of Australia were among the major donors to the Nationals.

Phillip Morris donated $100,000 and British American Tobacco donated $84,000, up from $55,000 the previous year. Adani donated $66,000 and Endeavour Group which owns Dan Murphy’s and hundreds of poker machine hotels donated $22,000. 

Responsible Wagering Australia donated $25,000, as did Tabcorp Holdings, Telstra, and oil and gas company Santos. Donations to the National Party and Laneway Assets (the National’s vehicle for receiving membership fees), totalled $4.16 million.

It is easy to see why the National Party denounces climate change, opposes renewable energy and promotes fossil fuels. 

“He who pays the piper calls the tune.”



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