VANGUARD - Expressing the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)
For National Independence and Socialism •


13th Congress of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)


The 13th Congress of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) was recently brought to a successful conclusion.
This Congress was held in a period of tremendous struggles by the peoples of the world, especially the people of Greece and other European countries, mobilising against the attacks by global monopoly capital. Our Party stands in solidarity with the workers, peasants and oppressed peoples throughout the world struggling to break free from imperialist exploitation and war.
Working class resistance and defiance is also finding its voice in Australia’s working class movement with more workers and unions refusing to be intimidated and surrender to oppressive, monopoly capital’s anti-worker laws. 
Congress delegates welcomed the growing united movement of the people opposed to imperialist economic plunder and military control over Australia. Congress especially welcomed the rising consciousness for unity between the working class and sections of small farmers and small business people united in common struggles in defence of their livelihoods against the attacks by monopoly capital. 
Leading role of the working class
Delegates to the Congress re-asserted the leading role of the politically aroused working class as the main force in the anti-imperialist struggle for an independent and socialist Australia. The Congress re-affirmed the strategy of social revolution by stages, with the working class the leading force and the main force in the revolution, giving the struggle for national independence a socialist character.
Congress consultation
This Congress had an expanded national and youth representation of CPA (M-L) delegates from around the country, reflecting progress made since the 12th Congress held three years ago. Extensive pre-Congress consultation included circulation of documents to members, discussion of draft resolutions ahead of the Congress, and the seeking out of views from supporters, including active people who welcome the Party’s line and action while they are not members.
The Congress reviewed the work of the Party over the last three years and the present international and local economic and political conditions and developments. Lively discussion took place on many issues, including the current economic crisis of capitalism and imperialism, sharpening class contradictions and class struggle between global monopoly capital and the people, and strengthening resistance by the working people to the crisis. 
Congress adopted resolutions on working class struggles and the bourgeois state, struggles for workers’ rights and job security, Australia’s economy and imperialism, mining and manufacturing sectors of the economy, US military presence in Australia and the region, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (Free Trade) and US imperialism, climate warming, education and China. 
The Congress discussions and consultations helped to sharpen the thinking of leading comrades and the party members generally. A high level of agreement was reached on most issues. As in any democratic organisation, majority decisions sometimes were made and, where appropriate, calls for further study and investigation of an issue were made. 
The Congress resolved to deepen class investigations of Australian society and the economy, the mining, manufacturing and rural sectors, the working class movement, and the people’s working and living conditions and struggles.
Discussions focusing on the development of our own ranks included the need for deeper study of the works of significant Marxists including Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao Zedong and Ted Hill. It was agreed that theoretical study should be closely linked to practice and the immediate and longer term struggles of the working class and its allies. 
Mass work and the mass line
The Congress re-asserted the CPA (M-L)’s long held position that the conditions and struggles of Australia’s working class and the people is our main arena and a priority for Australian communists. Mass work and the mass line were reaffirmed as the foundation and principles of CPA (M-L) work in the working class and people’s movements and in our approach to strengthen links with our working class communities.
Thirteen resolutions on major items were adopted and will be circulated in a variety of ways for our members and for those who have an interest in our views on various matters. Some will appear in Vanguard over the next couple of editions and on our website. A special publication will be made available including resolutions and the preambles that introduced them.
The Congress delegates elected a new Central Committee, and the new Central Committee elected its chair- and vice-chairpersons. 
The Party thanks all its members and other comrades who helped make this such a focussed and purposeful Congress.