VANGUARD - Expressing the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)
For National Independence and Socialism •
We are experiencing first-hand the effects of the climate crisis brought on by capitalist exploitation. The system’s continual drive for ever larger profits is destroying the country and the planet. The river systems run dry and towns are running out of drinking water. Yet unsustainable multinational fossil fuel companies and agribusinesses are given access to huge amounts of water so they can continue to make a profit.
They tell us there’s no money for public services, hospitals, Newstart, to properly fund and pay all firefighters, or for anything that would help the working class and poor. But there’s plenty of money for subsidies to tax dodging big businesses, automatic weapons for the police, and huge military budgets to serve US imperialist interests in wars around the world.
We aren’t all in this together! The interests of the rich and the capitalists, and the poor and workers aren’t the same. As we enter a new year, and the crises brought on by the class system of capitalism intensify, now is the time to ask yourself, like our comrades here and around the world, which side are you on? Now is the time to be inspired by the mass struggles of the millions of people fighting back around the world.
There is always hope for the future, but only if people are prepared to take united action to make that future a reality. We believe that future lies on the path of a revolutionary struggle for an independent and socialist Australia. In 2020, we encourage you to join the CPA (M-L) and fight with us in the struggle to build that future!