South African revolutionaries call Dutton’s bluff
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The Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania has called on Australia’s Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton to “come to our country and collect all his fellow racists who feel that they cannot live together with normal people and go live where they are accepted in that unbecoming society”.
This follows Dutton’s call to fast-track visa applications by white South African farmers who he said were facing “horrific circumstances” of being murdered and having their land taken away.
He said they deserved to be resettled in a “civilised country”, a clear slur on South Africa.
He said they would be “hard-working and not become dependent on welfare”, a clear slur on non-white refugees accepted into Australia.
He said "They're the sorts of migrants that we want to bring into our country," a clear slur on the unfortunates stranded in Nauru and in Papua New Guinea.
He said all of this after only recently stating that Australia should further reduce the number of migrants coming to Australia.
Dutton’s racially-based sympathy for white South African landowners stands in stark contrast to his indifference to the horrific circumstances of Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslin minority, 700,000 of whom have fled to Bangladesh to escape rape and murder
It stands in stark contrast to the horrific circumstances of the continuing murder of unarmed blacks in the USA.
Data collected by the Washington Post on the use of lethal force by police officers in 2015, 2016, and 2017 indicate that, relative to the portion of the population, Blacks are over-represented among all those killed by police under all circumstances. Blacks made up 13% of the population. However, in 2015 they accounted for 26% of those that were killed by police, in 2016, 24%, and in 2017, 22% of all those killed by police. In other words, Blacks were the victims of the lethal use of force by police at nearly twice their rate in the general population. Whites make up the plurality of victims of police use of lethal force (45% in 2017), BUT they also make the majority of the population (62% in 2015).
The incidents that drive the protests and organization of Black Lives Matter are largely focused on the police use of lethal force on unarmed blacks.
Dutton has ignored non-white victims of horrific circumstances.
Even in South Africa, owing to apartheid’s legacy of poverty amongst the black population, violence and murder is highest amongst blacks.
Last week Gareth Newham at South Africa’s Institute for Social Studies reported “young black males living in poor urban areas” faced a higher risk of being murdered, citing a murder rate in those areas of between 200 and 300 per 100,00 people.
He said the highest estimates of farm murders, regardless of race, stood at 133 per 100,000 people.
Dutton’s racist support for white South African farmers who are resisting an entirely justified and long-overdue redistribution of land has been driven by far-right ideologists and organisations, as revealed in the Guardian.
The Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania, created in 1959, was the most militant opponent of apartheid.
Kenneth Mokgatlhe, PAC spokesperson said in a statement that the socialist party was not taken aback to hear the remarks made by Dutton that "some or all white people will be rescued from our country to Sydney".
"We are not worried at all," Mokgatlhe said. "We must all remind ourselves that Australia was stolen by Europeans the same way in which our country was dispossessed from us, native owners. We sympathise with the dispossessed people of Australia, the aboriginal owners of that country who are today landless like a majority of African people in this country," he said.
"The PAC invite the Australian Minister to come to our country and collect all his fellow racists who feel that they cannot live together with normal people and go live where they are accepted in that unbecoming society," said Mokgatlhe.
"We uncompromisingly support the Indigenous dispossessed Australians to get their land back without compensation from criminals who went around the world capturing land".
Mokgatlhe however reiterated that "PAC welcomed the call by Australian government to collect the land criminals who are not willing to give land back to its rightful owners to go to Australia which has been declared a haven of racists".
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