VANGUARD - Expressing the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)
For National Independence and Socialism •


Revolutionary Fighting Program


For an Independent, Socialist Australia!






The Australian people are facing a crisis of rising cost of living, housing, healthcare, aged care, climate change, attacks on workers, unions and democratic rights and threat of a major war, and much more.  

At the same time the enormous wealth created by working people of this country is taken by multinational corporations, the dominant section of the capitalist ruling class. The main contradiction in Australia is between the Australian people and US imperialism. 

The Australian people demand, are entitled to and we fight for:

1. Australia to be free from all foreign and local corporate control

We must take control of our national resources, industries, banks and institutions to run society in the interests of the people, not multinational corporations.  Only then can people’s needs and protection of the environment be met and communities flourish for the benefit of all. 

2.   An Australia that guarantees full, dignified and secure employment for all

The immense wealth created by the labour of millions of Australia’s working people must be put in their hands to build local, sustainable industries and secure employment for all. Australia’s wealth belongs to the Australian people, not the multinational corporations.

3. The right of every Australian to have secure and dignified housing

We fight for a society that guarantees access to decent and dignified housing for every Australian. Homelessness, housing insecurity and poverty have no place in a modern society. 

4.  Universal, properly funded public education that serves the wellbeing of all people and needs of society. 

We believe in a system of education that empowers the people, to build a society that benefits the people. 

An education system must serve the peoples’ needs as members of modern society. Through public education, the people must be able to fully develop their own intellectual capabilities and gain the practical skills necessary for each to live empowered and enriched social lives. The Australian education system must be guided by the needs of its peoples’ intellectual and practical development, not by the needs of private investment, private industry nor for the preservation of conservative and reactionary ideologies.

5. Free and high-quality health care of all Australians 

We fight for free, high quality public healthcare system for all based on public need, not private profit.  

Health care should be a social service, not for private profit.  

The Australian people deserve and require full access to a high-quality health system that allows them to lead physically and mentally healthy lives.

6.  The rights of all working people to a decent standard of living

Every worker has the right to a decent standard of living, safe working conditions and economic security.  

In today’s capitalist society the benefits of surplus value (including profits) created by the labour of workers don’t go to the working class, the biggest class in our society.  These huge profits are pocketed by a tiny but powerful capitalist class which privately owns the means of production.  

The wealth created by working people needs to be taken out of the hands of this tiny corporate class and put in the hands of working people to ensure this wealth goes to the provision of decent and secure standards of living, free health care, education, childcare, proper housing, aged care and protection of the environment.

The advances in industry, technology, natural and medical sciences must be controlled and guided by working people, to provide full and secure employment, to lift the well-being of people and the environment, not enrich a handful of corporations.  

7.  We stand in struggle with the working class

For the right to strike, to organise, for decent wages and conditions, for justice, peace, and solidarity with working people around the world.  We fight for independent working class demands not tied to parliamentary parties.

8.  End Australia’s subservience to the USA.  

We fight for Australia’s independence.

Close all US and foreign military and intelligence bases; expel all US troops.

Cancel AUKUS and the Force Posture Agreement and develop a foreign policy that stipulates the sovereignty and independence of Australia while respecting and upholding the sovereignty of all countries and peoples.

The US-Australia military “alliance” embodies the dominance of US imperialism over Australia and its subservient ruling class. 

The subservient Australian government is spending hundreds of billions of people’s taxes in turning Australia into a US base and a launching pad for US-led imperialist wars.  The hundreds of billions of dollars of public funds must be used for the needs of the people, not for embedding the military industrial complex in Australia’s industries, economy and education.

Build Australia’s sovereign defence industries for the self - defence of Australia, not for US imperialist wars.  The US-Australia alliance is the real and only threat to Australian people’s peace, security and sovereignty.

The Australian people want no part in US-led imperialist wars of aggression.  

9.  Sovereignty and liberation of Australia’s First People

With the First Peoples we fight for the decolonisation and liberation of Indigenous Australians. This means economic and political self-determination, genuine land rights, reparations, the rights to autonomy and genuine and enforceable Treaties.  Australia will never be genuinely independent without the First Peoples winning their sovereignty and self-determination.

10.   We fight multinational fossil fuel corporations to protect the environment and biodiversity.

The damage to the environment as a result of capitalist plunder has reached potentially catastrophic proportions for humanity and the planet.
The united struggle of the people can challenge and resist the domination of multinational fossil fuel corporations and hasten their demise.

11.   Independent Socialist Australia

End US imperialist domination of Australia economically, politically, militarily and culturally.

Establishment of an independent Australian socialist republic, run by and for working people of this country. Socialist Independence means also an end to foreign interference by sub-imperial ruling class at the behest of U.S Imperialism.

The Australian parliament serves the international corporations that robs the country and its people of its wealth and fails to invest this wealth back into public healthcare, education, housing and all other people’s needs.  We believe that the real democracy and people power will grow out of people’s own grass roots mass organisations and movements based on participatory democracy under the leadership of the working class. 

12.   Independent people’s mass organisations and struggle

A people’s united anti-imperialist mass movement will free Australia from foreign and local corporate control and build the country to meet the needs and wellbeing of the people and the environment.

Australia’s people have a rich and proud tradition of struggle against oppression and injustice.  It began with the First People’s armed resistance to brutal British colonisation of their people.  It was taken up by the impoverished miners in the 1854 Eureka uprising against the oppressive British colonial authorities.

The rebels fought for justice, a decent standard of living and independence from Britain.  Australian people’s resistance to exploitation and the struggle for a better life and justice continues today.

The Australian people refuse to live in a system that concentrates obscene wealth to the apex of society while condemning ordinary Australians and workers to insecurity, poverty and oppression. The Australian people know what sort of society they want to live in.

We continue the fight for an independent socialist Australia.

Link to full General Program: Vanguard - Communist Party of Australia Marxist Leninist  

This CPA-ML Fighting Program is published in solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle and other anti-imperialist struggles around the world.