Australian Dairy Industry News - 2024 Jul 10 

Why we have a beef with capitalism… - 2024 Jun 12 

Freshwater sawfish: Iconic species threatened by capitalist development - 2024 May 22 

Book review: A View from the Horizon, Peter Duncan, Wakefield Press 2024 - 2024 May 20 

Inflation hits Interest Rate Relief: The Crisis Grows! - 2024 May 12 

May Day rally in Adelaide – strength in diversity in action. - 2024 May 05 

Before Sydney stabbings, capitalism’s cupboard was bare for mental health - 2024 Apr 24 

Museum workers lead action to save SA Museum - 2024 Apr 14 

Developers’ divisive dream: First Peoples’ lands to feed real estate bubble - 2024 Apr 06 

Poverty in Australia: more entrenched than ever - 2024 Mar 18 

Current trends in Australian agriculture - 2024 Feb 11 

Barngarla join fight to reposition Pt. Lincoln desal plant - 2024 Feb 02 

Global climate change hits dangerous new milestones in 2023 - 2023 Dec 28 

Christmas: It’s all class… - 2023 Dec 26 

The housing problem in Australia: caused by capitalism and capitalist social relations (reprint) - 2023 Dec 06 

Did capitalist corner-cutting kill the Thylacine? - 2023 Dec 04 

Will AUKUS turn us into the world’s nuclear waste dump? - 2023 Nov 14 

For a United Front against Fossil Fuels and Feral Species - 2023 Nov 03 

Capitalist interference disrupts Australian science - 2023 Oct 17 

First Nations People Lead The Way In September - 2023 Oct 01 

70th anniversary of Emu Field A-Bomb tests approaches - 2023 Sep 21 

Capitalism’s destructive war on nature causing ongoing extreme weather events. - 2023 Aug 22 

University protests: welfare not warfare! - 2023 Aug 09 

Greece is on fire and the system of profit is responsible. - 2023 Jul 24 

Kimba nuclear dump decision – tears of joy. - 2023 Jul 18 

Corporatisation of Universities Exposed - 2023 Jul 17 

Copper mining (the new gold rush) should be publicly owned - 2023 Jun 17 

Fossil fools in unholy alliance - 2023 Jun 09 

Australian Economic Trends 2023 – A “Fair Go”? - 2023 May 30 

Latest on foreign investment in Australian agriculture - 2023 May 19 

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