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Announcements & Events

All power to construction workers : CFMEU Sydney Rally


Around 7000 construction workers walked off the job in Sydney to rally against the ongoing fascistic 'administration' of their union. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 19


Book Review - BINA


Bina- First Nations Languages Old and New  is a book everybody should read.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 18


Vietnam complicit in Zionist genocide


The international arms trade that helps sustain Israeli Zionism’s attempted genocide of Palestinians was recently revealed to have a surprising participant.
Surprising, that is, for the millions of people around the globe who actively campaigned for Vietnam’s defeat of US imperialism during the US War of Aggression Against Vietnam.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 15


Support grows for CFMEU


The SA Branch Executive of the Communications, Electricity and Plumbing Union (CEPU) voted on Wednesday night to disaffiliate from the SA Branch of the ALP.
The vote came as a tragic accident on a Queensland building site confirmed the dangerous nature of the industry and the consequent need for a union prepared to defy restrictions on right of entry.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 13




Justin O’Connor, the author of Culture Is Not An Industry - Reclaiming Art and Culture For The Common Good is Professor of Cultural Economy at the University of South Australia. The book is one of the Manchester Capitalism book series. This series of books investigates various aspects of the capitalist system.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 11


Exercise Kakadu begins in Darwin


From Melbourne in the south, where tens of thousands are protesting the Land Forces death expo, to Darwin in the north, where Exercise Kakadu is getting underway, the dangers of imperialist war are becoming ever clearer.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 10


The Torquay Towers and The People of Hervey Bays struggle against it


A coastal city with a focus on tourism must consistently strive in a capitalist economy to keep its worth for its profiteers. How can this city survive on tourism when what generates its worth in the for-profit economy will also inevitably destroy it? Tourism is not a sustainable pillar of a city's economy and is a short-term profitable source for its investors. There must be a focus on all essential ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 10


DFLP calls for arming West Bank Palestinians


A message from the Foreign Affairs department at DFLP to the world’s parties about the crimes of Israeli settlers.

For these reasons... we call for the arming of the Palestinian people in the West Bank to combat Israeli settlers’ terrorism

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 09


Inspiring Speakers At Free Palestine Rally In Adelaide


Supporters of the Palestinian people continue to take to the streets in cities all around the world.In some cities such as London, the numbers of people attending is in the hundreds of thousands.
In smaller cities such as Adelaide in South Australia they are much smaller, but no less important and effective.


more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 09


CEPU exercises right-to-disconnect


When ACTU Secretary Sally McManus announced at the end of August the very welcome win of the right-to-disconnect, she probably had no idea that unions supporting the CFMEU would exercise it to disconnect from the ACTU and the ALP. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 09


Deep-Sea mining could quickly destroy marine ecosystems for profit


It is common in our current time that the pursuit of profit will irreparably damage or destroy a unique ecosystem before it can be protected, or before it has even been properly studied. Of all Australia’s ecosystems, the least studied by far is the deep sea which surrounds our nation’s coasts. Over a third of the seafloor within Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone has yet to be mapped, and globally this ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 09


The fraud of the Healthy Forests Foundation


In late June, a new environmental NGO launched which calls itself the Healthy Forests Foundation. Within a matter of weeks, an ABC investigation exposed the true nature of this organisation – a front for some of the most powerful logging interests in Australia. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 09


People's culture against imperialist Land Forces


This banger by Red Menace expresses all our rage, frustration and determination to dismantle the war machine in 2024. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 09


Freedom for Georges Abdallah!


We have previously mentioned the campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah, a Lebanese Communist who worked with the Palestine Liberation Organisation.  He was sentenced to life imprisonment in France for killing a US military attache and an Israeli diplomat. He is now the longest-serving prisoner in Europe. Hs case comes up for review, coincidentally, on October 7. 
We reprint below a call for his release by the Free Georges ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 08


CPA (M-L) concludes 16th Congress


The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) recently concluded its 16th Congress.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 08


Message from the "Department of Foreign Affairs at DFLP": Aggression on the West Bank


In response to the desires and pressures of the fascist and extremist wing-right in Israel, the Israeli occupation army launched a military aggression on August 28th, targeting several cities and Palestinian camps in the West Bank. The stated goal was to eliminate the Palestinian resistance and its military arms. In line with this goal, the aim is to reshape Palestinian areas to align with Israeli plans, which involve emptying certain ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 03


Culture Serves the Ruling Class


Marx wrote in his  Preface and Introduction to the Critique of Political Economy , “In the social production of their existence, men enter into definite, necessary relations, which are independent of their will, namely, relations of production corresponding to a determinate stage of development of their material forces of production.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 02


Pacific Islands Forum beset by problematic scenarios.


The officially stated agenda of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF), 2024, hosted by Tonga, was couched in various criteria and concerns relevant for their eighteen member countries. Other US-led considerations were not, however, openly publicised, and subject to official diplomatic silence.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 02


Turkey: Freedom for the Prisoners of the Kobanê Case!


We have been contacted by the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) of Turkey and asked to publicise the case of leaders arrested in 2016 for supporting the Kurdish revolutionary forces in Kobane in neighbouring Syria. 
The HDP is a social democratic party with representation in the Turkish parliament. It is not a revolutionary party but has opposed the reactionary, fascist Erdogan regime.
In 2014, it called for demonstrations in support of ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 01


Study of Marxism-Leninism is the key to understanding the role of the ALP and unions


The magnificent response by construction workers to the attempted destruction of their union has included disgust at the perceived betrayal of workers by the Labor Party. That disgust has extended to all but a few in the leadership of the union movement for failing to show solidarity with, and to support, the CFMEU.

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 28


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Vanguard expresses the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)