Party Anniversary and Congress
Written by: Central Committee, CPA (M-L) on 15 March 2024
Today, March 15, 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of our Party’s founding.
To mark the occasion, we are announcing today that we will be holding our 16th Congress this year.
Congress is taking place at a time of intensifying inter-imperialist rivalries and continuing crisis of global monopoly capital. Although US imperialism is still strong, especially militarily, it is more widely exposed and isolated. The gulf between the ruling classes of monopoly capital and the masses is widening globally. Conditions for expanding anti-US imperialist forces are strengthening, not least in Australia. Economic and living conditions of the people are worsening. Climate crisis is rallying the people against monopoly capitalism. Nevertheless, we need to take account of uneven conditions and developments.
The heroic Palestinian resistance is isolating reactionary and imperialist forces, inspiring and mobilising the oppressed and progressive forces. The overwhelming international solidarity for Palestinians is an antidote to the ruling class’s push towards fascism.
The inter-imperialist rivalries between the US bloc and China/Russia bloc are intensifying, threatening imperialist war, giving rise to anti-war and independence movements.
Congress consultations offer excellent opportunities to examine Australia’s and international conditions, class struggle, the people’s and revolutionary movements, enabling the party to set the direction for our work and study in the next 4-5 years.
Central Committee
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