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   May Day 2024

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“It’s an attack on us, our wages, our conditions, our right to organise.”


State and federal governments, courts, cops, media, the ALP and ACTU are backing some of the world’s biggest developers, banks and finance corporations against the CFMEU and its members. 
Right now, building workers say, “It’s an attack on us, our wages, our conditions, our right to organise.” 
It’s an attack on the whole working class.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 24


The ABC and Indo-Pacific psychological warfare


A major funding boost for the ABC has coincided with Canberra announcing the Pacific AUS TV Initiative designed to provide extensive media coverage across the Pacific, in line with traditional psychological warfare techniques.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 23


New Delegate Rights Clause in Awards - A Small but Significant Win By Workers


From 1 July 2024 a standard Delegates Rights clause was included in Awards which provide the minimum wages and conditions for workers in most industries and sectors.
The new clause was one of the changes to the Fair Work Act that workers in unions had demanded the Albanese Government support through legislation prior to its election in 2022.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 22


Labor Minister Confirms “No refund” at NATO Summit


Labor’s Assistant Minister for Defence Matt Thistlethwaite has embarrassingly confirmed that the two amounts of $A4.7billion gifted to the US and UK miliary machines in an effort to pump prime the AUKUS arrangements will not be refunded if the arrangements fall apart.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 18


Salute the heroic comrades of the Rojava revolution.


On  July 19, 2012, armed fighters of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) captured the city of Kobane from government forces in north-east Syria.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 18


The Bezosmoth


This article is republished with the kind permission of the author, Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen.  It first appeared on the Pearls and Irritations website on July 13, 2024-eds.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 18


The Imminent Catastrophes behind Elon Musk’s “Starship”


An often-overlooked way in which Australia is kept dependent on foreign powers is through access to space. Since this country currently has no orbital launch ability of its own (this could change later this year with Gilmour Space’s Bowen Orbital Spaceport granted Australia’s first orbital launch facility licence), Australian satellites must be launched on foreign soil by foreign, typically American or French, space programs. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 17


Israel’s Apartheid Practice


Discussions taking place at the highest levels of the Israeli state have revealed planning for prolonged control of Gaza and the West Bank along neo-colonial lines. While various policy options are being considered, none have included any reference to granting recognition of a Palestinian state in accordance with United Nations recommendations decades ago.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 16


Australian Dairy Industry News


Twenty Australian Manufacturing Workers Union maintenance workers employed at the Burnie (Tasmania) plant of Canadian-owned dairy processor Saputo have been on strike for a month.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 10


Why is it so hard to get by?


Why in one of the richest countries in the world do we have to scramble to get by?
People have trouble paying for the roof over their heads, stressed by the costs of putting food on the table, fuel in the car and paying power bills.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 10


Important webinars build the movements against imperialism.


Two important webinars, one recently held and the other still to come, are building the people’s movements against imperialism.
On July 4, the Australian Anti-AUKUS Coalition (AAAC) presented a webinar titled “Independence – Breaking the US Stranglehold in Australia.”

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 09


Young ALP Female Senator Stands Strong For Palestinian People and Palestinian State


ALP Senator Fatima Payman resigned from the ALP last week after courageously "crossing the floor" of the Senate to support a Greens motion that Australia recognize a state of Palestine. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 08


Report on Russia by Russian Maoists


Last May we published an analysis of conditions In Russia by our comrades in the Union of Maoists of the Urals. Today, they have sent us the following update which will be of interest to Australian anti-imperialists. Long live the proletarian friendship between the workers of Russia and Australia-eds. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Jul 07


Kenya - Too Little, Too Late: Ruto Must Resign


In the wake of intense demonstrations against the Finance Bill 2024 and the consistent, resolute demand for the resignation of President William Ruto, the President has made a belated and insincere about-face, declaring that he shall not consent to the bill and ostensibly acceding to the people's demands. This disingenuous capitulation comes only after Ruto ordered the brutal murder of more than 10 confirmed protesters and unleashed death squads to ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Jun 29


Thailand: Looming political crisis


A brief political assessment about Thailand in the Australian business press has revealed widespread concern about a likely resurgence of opposition forces in one of the most important US-led centres for regional defence and security and trade. Thailand, historically, was and remains a major diplomatic player in South-east Asian affairs, including the ASEAN trade bloc. Any return to previous widespread opposition to the traditional centres of Thai power are likely ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Jun 29


Kanak independence struggle cannot be defeated


Following French President Macron’s decision to withdraw the “thawing” of citizenship in New Caledonia, the vindictiveness of the French bourgeoisie has only heightened.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jun 28


Class struggle at nuclear submarine site


For the last few mont  Corporation  hs union members of the AMWU and CEPU have been taking industrial action against the federal government owned Australian Submarine Corporation (ASC) at Osborne Naval Base in South Australia.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jun 25


The wars the US are not winning with China: trade and diplomacy


The recent state visit by China's Prime Minister Li Qiang to Australia took place under intense media scrutiny. The media coverage, nevertheless, was highly misleading, as was intended. The US-led trade war with China, for example, was not openly discussed yet remained the main factor behind the high-level Australia-China diplomacy.


more...- Posted on 2024 Jun 25


Assange: Free at last!


Imprisoned Australian journalist Julian Assange is free - bar the formality of an appearance before a US court in the US Marianas Islands tomorrow.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jun 24


India: Hands off Arundhati Roy!


Arundhati Roy was the youngest winner of the prestigious Booker Prize for Fiction in 1997 for The God of Small Things . Then aged 36, she emerged as an activist campaigning on behalf of India’s poor and marginalised, the same people whose lives she had written about in her novel.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jun 18


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