13th National Congress Resolution on Study
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The Party needs to implement a more disciplined approach to the study of Marxism-Leninism in the current conditions of Australia. This should involve all Party members and Associate members, and should entail additional requirements for comrades in the leading bodies.
Such study is critical, not only to lift the level of theoretical understanding, but most importantly, to provide comrades with the tools to apply Marxism to the situations and struggles in which they are involved. It is essential to develop the capacity of our comrades to raise political consciousness among their mass connections and to give timely guidance and leadership in their areas of struggle and responsibility.
a) Congress requests the CC to develop and implement a Basic Study Program across all sections of the Party, based on selected texts from Marx, Engels, Mao and Ted Hill, the Party Program, the Congress Statement, and articles from Marxism Today and Australian Communist. This should involve private reading and study, together with discussion groups organised by the State Committees.
b) Study should be targeted to mass work and the responsibilities of Party members, with regular summing up of collective and individual political activity, and where appropriate, criticism – self-criticism – remoulding.
c) At the level of CC and SC, additional study should focus on designated investigation tasks, building revolutionary leadership and organisation, and combating liberalism, reformism and sectarianism.
d) There must be tangible results coming from the Study Program, such as investigation projects, the production of internal reports, articles for publication, Party leaflets, and short and medium term campaigns and initiatives that assist Party building.
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