South Australian Government Economic Strategy Reduces To "Growth Is Good"
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Ned K.
As imperialism reorganizes its economic interests in the Asia Pacific region, industries and companies that are household names in South Australia disappear at an alarming pace.
The car industry is the most obvious one, followed by the threat to steel works at Whyalla. The South Australian Government is desperate to find replacements all within the confines of capitalist development for profit rather than people's needs.
Hence the government's hope that it gets its nuclear waste dump in the north of the state and its naval war production in the form of submarine building by a French multinational.
That is not enough though, so other forms of growth are sought through the expansion of the Sky City Casino , a new skyscraper hotel behind Parliament House and another one at the site of the old icon Trims Menswear store in the south of the city. Millions will be borrowed from banks by Sky City Casino, Walker Corporation and developer Karidis to create more gambling problems and over supply of residential hotel space. However all this will create some construction jobs and hospitality jobs, the latter on low pay and mainly insecure work.
The government is becoming more reliant on the expansion of capital in areas of the economy where the use value for people's needs becomes an ever more distant second to the dictates of so called development for profit.
None of the expansion mentioned above will assist the community of the northern suburbs in particular, the area hit hardest by the destruction of manufacturing in the state.
The short term demands should be for investment in industries which address social and community needs of the people such as manufacture of public transport, better hospitals in working class areas rather than high rise hotels to saturation point, weapons of destruction such as submarines, and the nuclear waste industry.
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