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China-US: Who Wants to Control Who?

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Ned K.

The annual China Story Yearbook 2016 has been released by the ANU based Australian Centre On China In The World. The 2016 yearbook is headed with the Chinese character “zhi”, most commonly translated by western China watchers as meaning "CONTROL".

At this year's launch of the 2016 Yearbook, the speakers gave examples of the two-sided nature of "control" within China in cultural, political and economic areas. Some unexpected outcomes have arisen from government policy control measures. For example, one speaker at the launch said that China was criticised by libertarians in the West for its one child policy. However, they overlook the positive aspect that this multiple-decade policy ironically contributed to a slower growth of CO2 emissions in China through the reduction in births by what the speaker estimated to be 250 million people!

All the speakers talked about the aspects of control within Chinese society by central governments and regional governments, not always with consistent outcomes.

However, none of them talked about the key issue of US interests in particular in wanting to continue to control China as witnessed by US meddling in Taiwan and the South China Sea and war games with South Korea.

Who will control the US drive to war? The US want China to control North Korea but they object to China and the peoples of the world wanting to control the US drive to war.

The launch of the Yearbook 2016 was silent on this point. Not surprising as the Australian Centre On China In The World was set up by the Rudd Government for research to understand China for policy matters.

Rudd and subsequent Prime Ministers and governments firmly support the Australia - US Alliance.

They firmly support subordination of Australia to US imperialism.

Their portrayal of China as the big controller compared with the USA is not surprising.

The capitalist orientation of China’s recent economic growth has been accompanied by a “soft” approach to building influence, exemplified by the “One Belt, One Road” strategy.

Our tasks are to end US imperialist control of Australia, and to prevent any Chinese influence that runs counter to the interests of Australian working people.


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