Vale Darce Cassidy
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The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) mourns the passing of Jon (“Darce”) Cassidy.
Darce made an important contribution to the anti-imperialist movement and many progressive people’s struggles.
He is widely renowned and respected for his involvement in the powerful movements against the Vietnam War, conscription and US military bases, and his commitment to Australia’s independence
Although Darce was never a member of CPA (M-L) he worked closely with our comrades and always highly respected.
As a student at the University of Sydney from 1963-65, Darce was active in the fight against restrictive immigration (White Australia Policy), was editor of the Labor Club’s “Wednesday Commentary”, and was a committee member of Student Action for Aborigines in which capacity he participated in the famous Freedom Ride throughout outback NSW.
Darce gained employment with the ABC in 1964, working for “Four Corners” and later moved to ABC radio. His provocative and thoughtful interviews and commentary outraged the fascist-leaning National Civic Council which regularly featured him in its “Newsweekly” magazine, calling for his sacking from the ABC.
In 1967, Darce moved to Melbourne and became deeply immersed in the anti-Vietnam war movement and in the Monash Labour Club, helping to raise funds by students and workers for the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam. He was instrumental in organising the awarding of a university “degree” to a pig, in protest against Monash University’s awarding a degree to Victorian Premier “Hangman” Henry Bolte.
He was a key member of the Monash Labour Club, Worker Student Alliance, Campaign Against Foreign Military Bases, the Vietnam Moratorium Committee and anti-Omega Committee.
Throughout the existence of the Worker-Student Alliance, Darce was a prominent leader. He was also a major contributor to the organization of the Long March to North-West Cape, to protest against the US imperialist Harold E. Holt Communication Base, Pine Gap and Omega in Victoria. This is a link to a documentary of the Long March narrated by Darce:
We extend our sincere condolences to Darce’s family and comrades.
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