New Booklet: An Overview of the History of the CPA (M-L) in South Australia
Written by: Editor on 22 March 2021
A new online booklet outlining the history of the CPA (M-L) in South Australia from the Party's founding in 1964 to the present day has been published on our website.
The contents of the booklet was originally planned to be included in last year's special edition of Australian Communist produced for the 100 year anniversary of the Communist Movement in Australia. Time restraints made that impossible. It has now been produced as a special online only booklet.
The special Centenary edition of Australian Communist has now also been updated to include this fascinating and valuable history. It sits as a perfect companion to the four article series on the History of the Party in New South Wales also published in that edition of Australian Communist. Hard copy printed versions of that updated Special Edition of Australian Communist are in the works and will be ready by May Day 2021. Contact to make an enquiry about receiving one.
An Overview of the History the CPA (M-L) in South Australia covers a wide array of topics showing the depth of the Party's work, from the local Australia China Friendship Society, working class and struggles in the Builders Labourers Federation, the epic struggle at Chrysler and the multinational car manufacturers, the radical student movement and the movement against the Vietnam War, and many others.
Not just an insightful read for history buffs of local working class and left wing history, it also offers many valuable lessons for communists and activists involved in working class organising today.
Download An Overview of the History of the CPA (M-L) in South Australia here.
Download the updated Centenary Special Edition of Australian Communist here.
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