Melbourne rallies around Invasion Day solidarity
Written by: Bill F. on 27 January 2025
A militant rally in the heart of Melbourne brought together a huge crowd of First Peoples and their allies in the on-going struggle against imperialist domination with all its colonial laws and other relics, and its racist oppression.
It was led and organised by the Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance (WAR) with the theme “End colonialism – Smash imperialism”.
While the media conceded 25,000 in attendance, a more realistic estimate would be at least 45,000 and predominately young people. Many brought their own placards and banners, carried the Aboriginal Flag and frequently chanted, “Always was, always will be – Aboriginal Land!” and “No pride in Genocide!”
Very prominent at throughout the crowd were the supporters of the Palestinian people, with their Palestinian flags and proudly wearing the Keffiyeh scarf. The usual Sunday rally in solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle was merged with the annual Invasion Day rally, with the strong support of each.
This was reflected in the speeches outside Parliament House where both Indigenous speakers and Palestinian speakers recognised the commonality of their situation – dispossession and land theft, genocide, racism, on-going oppression and discrimination, attacks on children and indiscriminate jailing of the youth.
Also recognised and given great respect was the vast history of heroic struggles against this oppression and the sacrifices made by First Peoples and Palestinians in defence of their land, their culture and their people.
First peoples’ speakers strongly promoted unity among their people in the growing campaign against deaths in custody. They also objected to “Australia Day” celebrations being held on January 26 as this was the day the British invaders arrived and proclaimed the land as a British territory. For First Peoples, this is a day of sorrow.
With the distraction of the ‘Voice to Parliament’ referendum now buried; speakers called for more focus on the long-standing demand for Treaty. Even though there has been some progress with consultation about Treaty at the State level and here in Victoria, no treaty under capitalism will overturn private property ownership rights or empower First Peoples to control their own communities. Only socialism can guarantee viable land rights and respect for traditional customs.
As the rally marched from Parliament House through the city to Flinders St station, it was joined by many along the way, including even some tourists. Others waved or clapped when they realised the reason for the huge crowd.
Not waving or clapping were the hundreds of police (on overtime rates?) on duty, called out by the right-wing media in case of “violence” or “anti-semitic behaviour”. Media and State Labor government claims that such rallies were disrupting normal Sunday business were exposed as beat-up crap by the numbers of people in the take-away shops and cafes, and by rally participants dropping in to buy a cold drink on a hot day.
At Flinders St the rally was met by another crowd of supporters, some elderly but keen to welcome and show their solidarity. The efforts of all on the day were greatly appreciated and the speakers at Parliament House and at Flinders St paid tribute to the fine organisation and spirit of the day.
If one thing stood out, it was the powerful speech of Indigenous veteran Gary Foley who pointed to the future and the task ahead – “to educate, educate family, friends, neighbours, workmates – the history, the resistance, the stolen children, the sorry business …” – an inspiring call for engaging and winning even wider support.
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