People's Health and Safety More Important Than Nuclear Power
Written by: Ned K. on 23 December 2024
A recent article in Vanguard pointed out that the USA is busy arranging port facilities in the Indo-Pacific region where it can re-stock its warships with missiles in the event of war with China.
Australian ports are part of its plans. The USA already use at least one Australian port, in WA, to dock nuclear powered submarines for maintenance purposes. As part of AUKUS, the USA will also have its nuclear-powered submarines docking at Australian ports for maintenance and readiness for war against China. Associated with nuclear-powered submarines is the removal and transportation and dumping of nuclear waste.
All these activities are a threat to the health and safety of people who live in the same suburban areas where these activities are carried out.
Added to these threats to health and safety are places like Alice Springs being a nuclear target in the event of a war between the USA and China.
What are the two major parliamentary parties doing to protect the Australian people from the various threats associated with nuclear power and nuclear weapons?
Both Labor and Liberal parties support AUKUS and the US - Australia Alliance which includes commitment to nuclear-powered USA navy vessels with or without nuclear weapons being based in Australian ports.
The Liberal leader Dutton is also a champion of nuclear power plants being built in Australia. With a federal election early next year, the Labor Party are now trying to win votes by saying that nuclear power plants proposed by Dutton will endanger Australian people's health and safety, especially those people living near the places where Dutton decides to have the plants built!
Not a word is said by either Labor or Liberal leaders about the health and safety threats of nuclear-powered submarines, nuclear warhead missiles, or whole suburbs and cities being wiped out due to Australia's entanglement in USA preparations for war with China.
As the recent article in Vanguard concluded, Australian people need an independent foreign policy free from the USA's war preparations with China.
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