Anti-Poverty Activists Rally at Social Services Minister’s office
Written by: Nick G. on 5 August 2024
Last Friday, SA Anti-Poverty Network activists living in or near the southern Adelaide electorate of Federal Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth held a short rally outside her electorate office.
They were there to remind the community, and her, that no one deserves poverty.
But after 2 years in power, Federal Labor, clearly, have left behind people on JobSeeker, the lowest unemployment payment in the developed world, as well as other people living below the poverty-line.
After several speakers, a bundle of hand-written letters from job-seekers, students, and other people on Centrelink payments were taken inside the office and presented to her staff.
They were politely received, and office staff spent several minutes discussing the issues with those present. While a polite reception is better than rejection, it left the group wondering what needed to be done next so that the Minister and her staff were placed under pressure, rather than being able to politely absorb the issue.
Today, August 5 begins Homelessness Week. The APN SA is planning to rally outside the electorate office of Premier Malinauskas this coming Friday.
In a media statement released today, the group says that SA government claims to have built 500 affordable homes are a “drop in the ocean” when there are 15,000 people on the public housing waiting list, and over 6000 homeless.
Spokesperson Samantha Skinner said that while the State government could not build thousands of homes overnight, they must raise their level of ambition to meet the unprecedented levels of need.
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